
All details about LP and Single Asset Staking

Choose to add liquidity or $DCA staking to multiply your $DCA tokens or collect $USDC.

  1. Liquidity Provider

To provide liquidity in the WETH/DCA pair and receive more $DCA tokens enter here, add liquidity and receive rewards


  1. Staking program with 10 000 USDC rewards and 20% BONUS of xDCA conversion!

Stake your $DCA and participate in the $10,000 USDC rewards program, plus enjoy a 20% bonus. The program begins on 13.07 and will continue for a month until 13.08. After the program finishes, we will automatically convert the $DCA for all participants to xDCA and add a bonus of 20%!

Please note: The unbonding period will extend over time from 30 to 180 days. Join now to maximalize your returns!

Participate here: https://autodca.io/staking/dca

Last updated